Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands: Shaping the Future Developing solutions for a better, greener and more democratic life in the “places that don’t matter”

For a generation, people living in the traditional industrial heartlands all over the world have been buffeted by a technological and services revolution, the decline of manufacturing, and the rise of a borderless global digital economy. The result is deepening inequality, ongoing political support for right-wing populists and a hollowing out of the middle class. 

With this three-year project together with our partners from the U.S. and Germany we aim to create new opportunities in old industrial heartlands in both countries by forging a transatlantic dialogue, exchanging best practices and developing political strategies and policy solutions for a better, greener and more democratic future in the “places that don’t matter”. The main goal is to deliver increased living standards and opportunities, while also working towards rebuilding trust in democracy in the U.S. and Germany.


Sep – Oct 2024

Fellow Study Tour to the United States

Stay tuned!

Aug 2024

Survey: public opinion on the politics of the industrial heartlands in the US and Germany

Our new public opinion survey in the US and Germany provides insights into how people in both countries feel in this age of insecurity and how they view their government’s responses, with a focus on industrial policy. It addresses questions such as whether these measures have support in the wider population and how great the potential is for stronger democratic participation and for countering right-wing populism. The results of this survey were first presented and discussed at the Progressive Governance Summit in June 2024 and reveal a clear message for policymakers in both countries. 

21 Jun 2024

Session on Empowering the Regions that Matter at Progressive Governance Summit 2024

At the Progressive Governance Summit 2024, a number of our Industrial Heartlands Project Fellows discussed how the industrial heartlands in the US and in Germany can be empowered by creating a positive narrative about their future. They were joined on the panel by Henning Meyer, Chief of Staff and Director General for Policy and Coordination at Saarland Ministry of Finance and Science and moderator John Austin, Senior Fellow at the Eisenhower Institute. Among other issues, the analysed how to tap into the economic and political potential of the industrial heartlands and how they can be built more inclusively and resilient, for younger and older generations, for marginalised groups and those who are concerned with the decline of former industries.

21 Jun 2024

On New Industrial Policy for the Middle Classes in Times of Geoeconomic Shifts at Progressive Governance Summit 2024

At our Progressive Governance Summit 20024, political leaders from both sides of the Atlantic discussed new industrial policy of investing in workers while considering foreign policy, trade and climate and its challenges in Europe and the US. The panel discussion started with the exclusive presentation of the results of the project’s survey on the public opinion on the politics of the industrial heartlands in the US and Germany. Based on these findings, the panellists discussed how to include the working class into foreign policy considerations, create new narratives of progressive success in the heartlands and how to make sure climate protection measures work in favour of the people of the heartlands.

Mar 2024

Industrial Heartlands Fellow Workshop 

On 22 March 2024, our project fellows came together to reflect, exchange ideas and to set their objectives within fellowship for the year ahead. The full day of productive discussions and work included a session with sounding board member Bill Peduto, the former mayor of Pittsburgh. He gave insights into the current political, economic and scientific developments of the former steel town. 

17th Nov 2023

Kick-Off Seminar and Presentation of First Impulse Papers

On 17 November 2023, we held a workshop called “Democracy at the crossroads in the industrial heartlands – transatlantic perspectives for the future of the places that matter” as part of Das Progressive Zentrum’s Innocracy23 conference. At the workshop, our 12 industrial heartlands project fellows and a delegation of seven decision-makers from the US Midwest discussed best practices, political strategies and policy solutions to foster democratic participation, trust and tangible future perspectives for those living in the places that matter.

11 – 18th Nov 2023

Industrial Heartlands and Democracy Study Tour

Industrial Heartlands and Democracy Study Tour

From November 11 to November 18 2023, elected officials and leaders of economic development and change efforts from the US Midwest travelled to Europe to share and learn from peers in the important work of closing economic divides in our democracies. After a start in Brussels where they attended the Conference on Transatlantic Work to Address Geographies of Discontent, and Charleroi, they toured the transformation regions in Saarland and Saxony and ended up in Berlin to take part in the official launch of our project at Innocracy23. Along the way, they enjoyed various opportunities of exchange with local and federal decision makers.

Oct 2023

Project Fellows and Sounding Board

Bringing our project to life: We’ve selected a group of 12 young experts, practitioners, and professionals from the United States and Germany working on shaping the industrial heartlands in both countries towards a greener, better and more democratic future. These fellows are at the heart of our Industrial Heartlands Project. They are complemented by a Sounding Board of nine experts from both sides of the Atlantic who will advise our fellows as well as the project managers.

Project Team

Florian Ranft

Member of the Management Board and Head of Green New Deal

Sandra Rath

Project Manager

Axel Ruppert

Project Manager

Rachel Stieb

Junior Project Manager