Cover of the disparities report of 2023 against green background.

Unequal Germany – Socioeconomic Disparities Report 2023

Germany is an unequal country both socially and spatially: inequality between north and south, east and west, urban and rural areas and between economically dynamic regions and those affected by structural change remains significant. The regions differ greatly in their structure. These differences have a significant influence on migration flows, income levels and people’s fundamental living conditions and opportunities.

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Cover des DisparitÃĪtenbericht von 2023 auf grÞnem Hintergrund

Ungleiches Deutschland – SozioÃķkonomischer DisparitÃĪtenbericht 2023

Deutschland ist sozial und rÃĪumlich ein ungleiches Land: Ungleichheit zwischen Nord und SÞd, Ost und West, Stadt und Land und zwischen wirtschaftlich dynamischen Regionen und solchen, die vom Strukturwandel betroffen sind, weiterhin deutlich. Die Regionen unterscheiden sich in ihrer Struktur stark. Diese Unterschiede beeinflussen maßgeblich die Wanderungsbewegungen, EinkommensverhÃĪltnisse und die grundsÃĪtzlichen Lebens- und Chancenbedingungen der Menschen.

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Bild Session 10 Foreign Policy for Middle Classes

Foreign Policy For The Middle Classes: New Industrial Policy In Times Of Geoeconomic Shifts

At the Progressive Governance Summit 2024, we debated and strategised on how to make an impactful contribution to shaping a comprehensive concept of progressive security. In this session, the panellists focused on industrial policy as a means of grappling the challenges in the industrial heartlands within the context of recent geoeconomic shifts.

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Magazine cover of BKHS Magazine "For a Just Democracy!"

Meet people where they are

Author: John Austin

Residents of regions in long-term economic decline are understandably angry and upset about diminished prospects for themselves and their families and the degraded condition of their communities. In order to turn residents’ outlook from frustration, resentment and distrust of leaders and institutions to hope, optimism and confidence in democracy leaders must listen, understand and appreciate residents’ real worries and frustrations then take small steps to deliver better living conditions and rebuild trust.

The roots of anti-democratic attitudes

Germany and the US, among many nations, are struggling over how to defuse anti-democratic populist movements. People turn to strongmen solutions and anti-democratic authoritarians when they are angry about their lives not being what they think they should be, anxious about the future, feel their status in the world is threatened by change and their communities and life circumstances are diminished.

Cover of the BKHS Magazine, titled "For a Just Democracy!"

Behind these attitudes are growing economic inequities, both between different places (e.g. industrial heartlands versus thriving global cities) and within society as a whole. At the broadest level, what is needed is a new round of global reinvestment in people and places that are not finding economic opportunity in a changed, globalised economy and world: an investment in the communities that have fallen from a past prosperity to a current condition where residents feel anxiety over their future prospects. These regions constitute a “geography of discontent”, and they are fertile ground for anti-democratic and anti-system demagogues and movements (Rodríguez-Pose, Dijkstra & Poelman 2023).

Healing our politics

This discontent can be turned into optimism and hope. As I recently wrote for Brookings, when done well, place-focused investments can serve to bring new economic promise and identity to regions – like my own industrial Midwest of the US (Austin & Muro 2024). The work to rebuild local economies is taken up by leaders who want to provide a constructive, rather than a mere rhetorical, response to heartland residents’ legitimate frustrations and anxieties.

Despite the challenges, however, there is much at the nation-state, regional and local levels that can and is being done well to restore optimism, opportunity and hope to residents of still-struggling regions, thereby rebuilding faith in democracy and the leaders and institutions that undergird it. To succeed in this work, leaders need to engage differently with local residents: listening closely, taking small steps that show they understand and empathise with residents’ concerns and showing they are serious about finding solutions to their problems.

Lessons for leaders

Leaders who meet people where they are can win back some alienated voters’ support, and with it, elections. Leaders who show up in heartland communities, campaign there (and not just during election season) and most importantly listen well in rural and small-town regions, while not winning over every voter, can “lose less badly” than many peers who are viewed as being out of touch, condescending elites. Through transatlantic research, we have learned that local, regional and national leaders who truly listen to – and do not reject – the frustrations and grievances of heartland voters, who embrace and also seek to meet their concerns can restore faith in leadership (Austin, Kreuzer & Lungu 2024).

Leaders can succeed when they not only know their communities, but also know what makes them tick. Successful leaders understand the importance of local institutions that are community-defining points of pride, whether they be schools, sports teams, the pub, theatre, library or a busy and clean main street. Leaders who do more than maintain these institutions, but help them to thrive, can find electoral success. Leaders who bring competence and follow-through to their campaign promises, who do the small things such as making sure there is a functional bus and transportation system – these leaders build trust and get permission to do bigger things that can create renewed community vitality in the longer run.

Successful community engagement starts with an openness to constituents, to listen to their concerns, to even “walk a mile” in their jobs and shoes. One example is given by a US Congresswoman who spends days working alongside constituents in various occupations to know what they face in their life and work. Another US elected official – who keeps winning elections as a Democrat in a region that otherwise votes primarily for Trump and anti-system populists – campaigns by parking his truck on the side of the road with a hand-painted sign with the words: “Stop and talk with your State Senator” (Johnson 2022). Successful community engagement and trust-building is about meeting residents with respect and openness.

Leaders like Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Manchester in the UK, focus on people and pay attention to their tangible and immediate needs. As the Mayor told us in one of our transatlantic discussions: “Start with the little things, fix up and get the graffiti off the high street, get the buses running on time and where they need to be.” (Austin et al 2021).

If done well, these small steps build trust between communities and leaders – trust that will nurture support for additional policies and programmes that can move communities forward in more substantive ways, such as with larger-scale investments in people, infrastructure and innovation.

One of the biggest challenges for leaders in communities wracked by job loss is to deal with the feeling of nostalgia – the demand of residents to bring back the past. In part, this nostalgia is very understandable. Industrial heartland communities whose identity and economy were shaped by industry are home to residents proud of their contributions to their countries’ economy and success. People want to be seen and acknowledged for their hard work, not looked down upon or pitied.

And wounded pride is one of the principal drivers of the anger and resentment felt by many residents of ignored and declining communities, which compounds as people feel patronised. Successfully rebuilding this pride can be one of the most powerful boosters of industrial heartland regeneration. Effective local leaders find ways to build on the community and its historic roots to reinvigorate residents’ pride in themselves and their community.

For example, at another transatlantic event, Mayor Francois Decoster of Saint-Omer in the Haut-de-France, the country’s industrial North, described a community renewal process that began with a celebration of their industrial history with a UNESCO world heritage designation. He noted: “We did not do this from the top-down, it was a participatory process. The community asked for and was engaged in the process” (Austin 2022).

Successful community redevelopment efforts build resident ownership. Ownership matters for giving people pride in their local communities through bottom-up leadership initiatives and inclusive participation.

There are other things to do that can rebuild connection and faith in leaders and democratic institutions – but the fundamental connection has to be between people. Leaders who listen to and share a worldview with their constituents; constituents who see themselves in those that represent them. This is the glue that binds democratic societies together.


ÂĐ 21.11.2024 | Originally Published in BKHS Magazine „For a Just Democracy!“

John Austin directs the Michigan Economic Center, a center for ideas and network-building to advance Michigan’s economic transformation. He also serves as a Non-Resident Senior Fellow with the Brookings Institution and is a Research Fellow with the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, where he leads these organizations’ efforts to support economic transformation in the American Midwest and in the industrial heartlands of Western democracies. In these roles he has been the author of some of the most influential analysis of the politics and economics of industrial heartlands, as well as tangible guides and guidance for policymakers around constructive actions and change. Mr. Austin is also affiliated faculty with the University of Michigan’s Marsal Family School of Education, and the William Davidson Institute within the university’s Ross School of Business. Previously, he served 16 years in elected service on the Michigan State Board of Education. Mr. Austin received a master’s degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and a bachelor’s degree in Economics & Political Science from Swarthmore College, with High Honors and Phi Beta Kappa.

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Magazine cover of BKHS Magazine "For a Just Democracy!"

Industrial policy for a just democracy

Authors: Matthew Delmastro, Elisabeth Winter

A modern industrial policy can promote a just democracy. Under the mantle of “Bidenomics”, the US administration has launched a new industrial policy aimed not only at boosting economic growth and competing with China, but also at strengthening American democracy.

Cover of the BKHS Magazine, titled "For a Just Democracy!"

Industrial policy is the new buzzword animating economic thinking in the US, but also increasingly in Europe and other parts of the world. It makes up a core part of what has become known as “Bidenomics”, or the Biden administration’s new economic philosophy that self-consciously breaks with market fundamentalism in favour of greater state involvement in and steering of the economy. A larger role for the state in economic affairs will almost certainly continue regardless of who succeeds Joe Biden in the White House, as made clear by both Kamala Harris’s and Donald’s Trump’s economic policy agendas (Tankersley 2024).

For a country that for decades has been the epicentre and enforcer of the main tenets of what some call “neoliberalism” or the “Washington Consensus” – e.g. free trade, privatisation, deregulation and state budget cuts – this is indeed a startling reversal, but one which is welcome amidst the multiple and overlapping crises of our time. From a European perspective, much of the debate around US industrial policy has centred on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and how its clean energy and subsidies for electric vehicles (EV) may threaten European firms’ competitiveness and lure them to invest in the US rather than in Europe. But these debates can come across as short-sighted, as they ignore the broader, more positive fact of the US being “back at the table” in the fight against climate change. It also betrays a lack of understanding of the broader project and goals of Bidenomics. One particularly overlooked aspect is its explicit focus on improving the socioeconomic conditions conducive to the stability of democracy. We illustrate how Bidenomics seeks to strengthen American democracy, showcasing that a modern industrial policy can promote democracy by reducing inequalities, delivering good jobs and higher wages and, ultimately, increasing trust in government.

Understanding industrial policy

Despite there being no consensus on the definition of industrial policy, we follow Dani Rodrik and his colleagues in defining it generally as “those government policies that explicitly target the transformation of the structure of economic activity in pursuit of some public goal” (JuhÃĄsz et al. 2023). In other words, industrial policy entails government favouring certain industries and sectors over others to achieve some larger objective, whether it be economic growth, competitiveness, reducing inequalities or bolstering national security. Historically, industrial policy mainly targeted economic and productivity growth in the manufacturing sector, but new approaches have widened both the range of objectives as well as the sectors to which it is applied. States are now using industrial policy to promote decarbonisation, digitalisation, the development of lagging regions and the creation of new, well-paid forms of employment. In developed countries in particular, new industrial policy calls for extending interventions into the vast services sectors, as in countries like the US, only around 10 per cent of the workforce is still employed in manufacturing (Rodrik 2022). The primary mechanism of industrial policy consists in offering incentives to the private sector to produce particular goods or offer particular services. Usually, these incentives come in the form of subsidies; however, many other tools are possible. New industrial policy explicitly calls for novel forms of support, such as the provision of customised business services, job training, improved infrastructure and various forms of private-public collaboration. Common to all these forms of intervention is that they, one, seek to remove the production constraints facing certain sectors and firms and, two, involve some form of conditionality to qualify for government support. Industrial policy sometimes gets a bad rap for its connotations of inward-looking protectionism, but this need not be the case. In fact, it is often used to help make firms more competitive internationally and to facilitate exports.

But for all the recent excitement around industrial policy, it is far from a new phenomenon. On a very basic level, states are always engaged in industrial policy to the extent that they incentivise certain sectors of the economy over others. In the US, for example, this is blatantly obvious when looking at the defence sector and the wider to finance subsidies and protect American industry to Dwight Eisenhower’s preservation of the New Deal architecture and further investments in social security, the US has a long and storied history of robust government intervention in pursuit of pragmatic policy goals. In a sense, then, the recent free market era concerned above all with keeping the state out of the economy can just as well be viewed as an historical exception rather than the rule.

Bidenomics and the new US industrial policy

To best get a sense of what Bidenomics and the new US industrial policy is all about, it is easiest to list the challenges to which they are meant to respond. In April 2023, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan gave what is perhaps the clearest explanation of the Biden administration’s new international economic policy in a speech at the Brookings Institution (Sullivan 2023). In it, he implies that the administration is proposing a “new Washington Consensus” to leave behind the era of “trickle-down economic policies”. This rethink, he explains, was prompted by four fundamental challenges facing the US.

The first challenge Sullivan named has been the hollowing out of American industry as a result of the old market-liberal paradigm of trade liberalisation and privatisation. Certain sectors like the financial industry won out while manufacturing experienced massive, geographically-concentrated job losses embodied in the “China Shock” of the 1990s and 2000s (Autor et al. 2016). The second challenge consists in the failure of what is known in Germany as Wandel durch Handel: the idea of a more economically interconnected world leading to more peaceful and collaborative relations between states and the gradual transformation of autocracies into democracies. The third challenge, according to Sullivan, is the accelerating climate crisis and the accompanying need for rapid and massive action to ensure a “just and efficient energy transition” that rejects the false choice between economic growth and climate action. The fourth and final challenge laid out by Sullivan is the state of inequality in America and how it has undermined social cohesion and the socioeconomic conditions necessary for a stable democracy. Sullivan lays the blame for rising inequality at the foot of trickle-down economics and a free trade paradigm that promised broadly distributed gains, but which, in reality, massively benefitted the wealthy while squeezing the middle class.

The speech is striking for its explicit condemnation of the previous market-liberal paradigm, one that had gone unquestioned for decades amongst both Republicans and Democrats, but also for its recognition that inequality has had a corrosive and destabilising effect on American democracy. As is made clear, the Biden team has fully bought into the new thinking about industrial policy by seeking to meet a handful of diverse objectives with its economic policies. Under the mantle of Bidenomics, it is seeking to, among other things: revive the American manufacturing sector, accelerate the energy transition, drive innovation, reduce inequalities, increase the power of labour over capital, reduce strategic dependencies and outcompete China.

In concrete terms, the administration is pursuing these goals via four pieces of legislation passed in 2021 and 2022: the American Rescue Plan (ARP), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the CHIPS and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Even excluding the ARP stimulus bill passed in the wake of the pandemic, the remaining three laws contain over $1.5 trillion in new spending and investment. A useful metaphor for this set of laws describes the CHIPS act as the “brains”, the IIJA as the “backbone” and the IRA as the “engine” (Carey & Shepard 2022). The CHIPS Act is the brains because it concentrates its roughly $280 billion of spending on semiconductor R&D and manufacturing ($53 billion) as well as on America’s overall research and science ecosystem. The IIJA makes up the backbone for its massive investments to rebuild America’s roads and bridges, to modernise the grid for the renewable energy build-out and to finish expanding broadband infrastructure. The IRA represents the engine for its powerful package of loans, grants and tax credits ($370 billion) to incentivise the green energy transition and to boost domestic manufacturing.

Industrial policy and democracy

Industrial policy is implemented in the realm of the economy, but its motivations and effects are also to be found in the realm of politics. We would therefore like to shift the attention to those aspects of the laws that are connected to questions of democracy and justice in order to illustrate how industrial policy can strengthen democracy. Three aspects are worth highlighting in particular.

First, industrial policy can reduce geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in the form of place-based policy, or “government efforts to enhance the economic performance of an area within its jurisdiction” (Neumark & Simpson 2014). It typically targets lagging regions with the goal of creating more job opportunities and higher wages. The Biden administration has been implementing place-based policy through its Justice40 Initiative, which pledges that 40 per cent of the overall benefits of federal investments in climate, clean energy and sustainable housing go to disadvantaged communities plagued by underinvestment and pollution (Daly & Gunn-Wright 2022, The White House 2024). And the data shows that this effort has already been paying off: the massive increase in construction spending occurring across the US has been concentrated in the struggling Rust Belt (as wellas the rising Sun Belt) and, at a local level, in rural and often more conservative regions of the country (Politano 2024). In its recent IRA report, the Biden administration boasted that “99 per cent of high-poverty counties have received funding from the infrastructure law, CHIPS Act, or Inflation Reduction Act, and non-metro communities have received nearly double the per capita funding of their urban counterparts” (The White House 2024). Place-based industrial policy can thus play an essential role in rectifying geographic inequalities that undermine social solidarity and sow resentments among people living in “left-behind regions”.

Second, industrial policy can help to rebalance the power between labour and cap ital by promoting new job growth, higher wages and union density. This is especially important in places, such as the US, where the power of labour has been continuously and systematically weakened since the 1980s. Besides generating new job growth through its investment spending, the Biden administration is pursuing these objectives by offering incentives for firms to pay prevailing wages and to use collective bargaining agreements, such as in the IRA’s clean energy tax credit (The White House 2024). More far-reaching provisions in support of unions fell victim to the legislative bargaining process, such as the proposal to give extra tax credits for EVs produced in union shops. Such ideas were viciously opposed by foreign automakers and even raised protest from European ambassadors trying to protect their firms operating in non-union states (Gabor et al. 2023). A more general component of the push to support labour is the Biden administration’s policy of running the economy hot, or keeping demand high and unemployment low to put upward pressure on wages and give workers more bargaining power. Taken together, these are all pro-worker measures that can help to reduce the staggering levels of economic inequality that sow distrust in institutions and enforce peoples’ beliefs that the system is rigged in favour of those at the top.

Third, and more generally, a coherent and successfully implemented industrial policy can demonstrate to citizens that government can actually solve problems and offer real, tangible benefits to their lives. The Biden administration’s promise is to raise wa ges, create good sustainable jobs, ensure a cleaner and healthier environment, rebuild local infrastructure and to protect the coun try’s economic and strategic interests amidst competition with China. Insofar as these in vestments pan out and people start to feel the positive impact of their government’s actions, it can go some way in restoring the dismal levels of trust in government institutions and politicians. Despite the increases in investment and construction spending, as well the growth of new clean energy jobs (Climate Power 2024), the real impacts of the legislation will take years to pan out. The onus is now on the government to move from the allocation of funds to, in collabo ration with the private sector, seeing projects through to implementation.

Industrial policy, while not a panacea, of fers several tools for strengthening democracy by addressing various forms of inequality and delivering tangible benefits to citizens. It also, after decades of the supremacy of free market thinking, represents a much-needed evitalisation of the idea that the state, act ing in the public interest, has an essential role to play in tackling today’s biggest chal lenges and safeguarding democracy. 


ÂĐ 21.11.2024 | Originally Published in BKHS Magazine „For a Just Democracy!“

Matthew Delmastro is Reasearch Assistant at the Bundeskanzlher-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung and as a PhD student researching the modern history of globalisation critiques. In addition to issues of political economy and global justice, his work focuses on transatlantic relations. He has worked as a programme assistant for the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Matthew Delmastro studied Political Science and International Relations (M.A.) at the University of Konstanz and Charles University in Prague.

Elisabeth Winter’s work centers on the politics of international trade. In her role as programme director “Global Markets and Social Justice” at Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung (BKHS) she researches possibilities for a more equitable global trade governance focusing on transatlantic trade cooperation and its social consequences at national and international levels. Elisabeth graduated recently with a PhD thesis on US geoeconomics from Freie UniversitÃĪt where she teaches international trade and US foreign trade policy. As a project fellow, Elisabeth is interested in connecting transatlantic trade initiatives with the needs of industrial heartlands on both sides of the Atlantic. Acknowledging that global rules on trade affect all of us, she aims to identify concrete measures to do so through a human-centered approach.

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From the Midwest to the Former East: Strategies to Empower the Regions that Matter

At the Progressive Governance Summit organised by Das Progressive Zentrum on Friday 21 June, several of our project fellows participated in a panel discussion to debate strategies that empower the industrial heartland regions by creating positive narratives about their future. This roundtable discussion was organised as part of the Transatlantic Dialogue of the Industrial Heartlands project.

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US Study Tour: Insights from the Industrial Heartlands

Four weeks prior to the US elections and together with the fellows of our Industrial Heartlands project, we toured crucial electoral battlegrounds in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan. This synopsis highlights remarkable efforts to revitalise these once thriving centres of industrial manufacturing – and the remaining challenges that we saw.

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Publication Header Industrial Heartlands Slider English

Transformation at a crossroads – what is at stake in the US election and how it affects Europe

Why should use the term “industrial heartlands” rather “rust belt” when we speak about former industrial regions in the US and Germany? In this paper, authors John Austin and JÞrgen Hein discuss why the language we use matters and why without careful communication, anti-democratic and populist sentiments may be fuelled.

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Transformation am Scheideweg – Was in den USA zur Wahl steht und wie es Europa betrifft

Why should use the term “industrial heartlands” rather “rust belt” when we speak about former industrial regions in the US and Germany? In this paper, authors John Austin and JÞrgen Hein discuss why the language we use matters and why without careful communication, anti-democratic and populist sentiments may be fuelled.

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Moving from “Rust Belt” to “Trust Belt”: Why the language we use matters

Why should use the term “industrial heartlands” rather “rust belt” when we speak about former industrial regions in the US and Germany? In this paper, authors John Austin and JÞrgen Hein discuss why the language we use matters and why without careful communication, anti-democratic and populist sentiments may be fuelled.

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New Opportunities: Public opinion on the politics of the industrial heartlands in the US and Germany

The industrial heartlands have become central to the political and policy future of advanced economies. There is a political battle over who can speak for the communities of the industrial heartlands; and who can offer a new prosperity for areas that have been marked by the social, economic and cultural effects of deindustrialisation. Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, rising prices for energy and housing and general inflation have triggered material uncertainties, alongside challenges over immigration, integration and trade with China, and the need for action on climate change.

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New Paths to Prosperity in Industrial Heartlands: Report from the Industrial Heartlands and Democracy Study Tour

How can we, economically and socially, revitalize former industrial heartland regions while promoting a green transition? In this report, John Austin reflects on the experiences of the tour, which took participants to several iconic mining and steel regions: Charleroi, in Belgium’s Wallonia region; the Saarland linking Germany and France; and Saxony in Germany’s former East.

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Beyond the Anger and Anxiety: Insights into the Attitudes and Actions that Threaten Our Democracies – and What to Do About It

In his new paper, John Austin delves into the global rise of nationalist and anti-democratic sentiments, particularly in economically declining industrial heartland communities in Europe and the United States. Based on the learnings from the Industrial Heartlands and Democracy Study Tour in November 2023, the paper outlines the reasons behind people’s dissatisfaction and anger. Factors such as economic decline, geographic inequality, social alienation, and political disillusionment emphasize the urgent need for leaders to understand the underlying emotions and experiences driving these anti-democratic sentiments.

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Recap: Industrial Heartlands & Democracy Study Tour

Author: Sandra Rath

As part of Das Progressive Zentrum’s “Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands” Project, a group of local decision makers from the US Midwest travelled through Belgium and Germany last November to strengthen transatlantic ties and exchange ideas on a common challenge: Fostering economic revival through climate neutral industries and fortifying liberal democracy in industrial heartland regions. During their visit to Brussels, Charleroi, SaarbrÞcken, Leipzig and Berlin, our delegation met with experts, civil society leaders and politicians on local and federal levels to learn how they approach issues ranging from trust in democracy and political institutions, transforming production towards climate neutrality, the role of science and innovation as well as financial instruments to fund local initiatives.

  • Phil GiaQuinta, State Representative for Fort Wayne, Indiana, Leader of the Democrats in the Indiana House of Representatives
  • Bridgette Gransden, County Administrator, Midland County, Michigan
  • Melissa Hughes, Head of the Wisconsin Economic Development Agency
  • Andy Levin, former Congressman for Michigan, accompanied by Mary Freeman, entrepreneur
  • William Peduto, former Mayor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Katie Rosenberg, Mayor of Wausau, Wisconsin

The delegation was further accompanied by John Austin, Director of the Michigan Economic Center and Senior Fellow at Brookings Insitute and Wolfgang MÃķssinger, former German Consul General in Chicago as well as our project team with Florian Ranft, Axel Ruppert and Sandra Rath.

  1. Local green transition projects must be rooted in the identity of the local population and workers, incorporate their needs and encourage their participation.
  2. Local and municipal governments must be equipped with the necessary governance tools and funds to impliment bottom-up policies that foster local identification and ownership, thereby countering right-wing populist narratives.
  3. To successfully communicate green transition measures, it is imperative to be sensitive towards “change fatigue” and past experiences of upheaval of the local population, especially in East Germany.
  4. To rebuild trust in democratic institutions and decision-making, governments must communicate green transition policies transparently and create spaces for deliberation and participation.
  5. Providing a local network to connect research and development (R&D) with businesses is crucial to fostering innovation and directly implementing green technology in the region.

The Wallonian city of Charleroi is located just an hour outside of Brussels, yet unlike the Belgian capital, the former industrial town grapples with the challenges of a declining population, dwindling job prospects and a dire life outlook. On their first day, our delegation had the chance to visit the town’s Biopark. They were greeted by Wallonian Minister President, Elio di Rupo, and Belgian State Secretary for Strategic Investments and Science with the Ministry for Economic and Labour, Thomas Dermine. Both stressed the importance of government action in encouraging scientific ventures to settle in the city and in bolstering green transition and industrial policy efforts. They underlined that support measures by governments should focus more on mid-sized cities and rural regions as bigger cities are attractive in their own right for companies as well as skilled workers.

Later on, the delegation had the opportunity to tour the facilities of Charleroi’s Biopark with CEO Dominique DemontÃĐ, a scientific hub that so far has attracted more than 100 companies and helped create 45 startups in the health care and science sector. Experience the visit as covered by Belgian TV.

In the afternoon, the delegation enjoyed a tour of St. Gilles, one of Brussels’ 19 municipalities and a former working class district, where city planning has been put to use to lead modernisation efforts towards better living standards. The highlight of the tour was a visit to the Aegidium, an impressive building hidden behind a regular facade, with a rich history of being repurposed to meet the district’s needs since the 1920s.

How does the European Commission plan on supporting industrial heartlands in light of the European Green Deal? On the second day in Brussels, our delegation attended and spoke at the Transatlantic Conference on the “Geographies of Discontent”, co-hosted by the European Commission DG Regio’s Peter Berkowitz. The conference highlighted the importance of place-based policies that equip local and municipal leaders with capacities to deliver a green transition and build modern infrastructure. These processes need to create and uphold local identity, ownership and participation to counter right-wing populist narratives of top-down green transition policies. In her conference keynote, our Sounding Board member Cathryn ClÞver Ashbrook further emphasized, how central subnational transatlantic cooperation is to better deliver for rural regions and in countering illiberal movements. After the conference, our delegation headed to SaarbrÞcken, Germany by train.

How do industrial workers in affected regions in Germany look at the green transition challenges ahead? The delegation’s first day in Germany started with a visit to the Saarstahl steel plant in VÃķlklingen. In a meeting with the workers’ council, the delegation learned about the company’s plans to produce green steel with hydrogen energy, the biggest steel transformation project in Europe to secure jobs in the region. The remarkable determination and unity of the workforce in fighting for a federal grant to produce green steel was impressive. At the time, the grant was still pending EU permission, as of December 2023, the EU has allowed the German government to issue it. The visit ended with a private tour of the steel plant. Read in his article for the Washington Quarterly on how former Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto reflects his visit and what he hopes to take away for the steel industry around Pittsburgh.

In the final meeting of the day, the delegation learned from Saarland’s Minister of Finance, Jakob von WeizsÃĪcker, about Saarland’s Transformation Fund, a fiscal instrument to allocate government funds to local green transition initiatives, underlining the all-of-government approach to the green transition in the Saarland. The meetings of the day emphasized the power of a united approach to green industrial policy that encompasses workers, company management and the political level.

In protecting liberal democracy, civil society plays a crucial role in providing spaces for exchange and discussions. Before embarking on a long train travel to Leipzig, the delegation visited the Foundation Democracy Saarland, learning about its projects, events and educational field trips to foster civic education for adults with the goal to support liberal democracy in the region.

The next day included a first for most of our delegation members: visiting East Germay. In Leipzig, our delegation was welcomed at the German-American Institute Saxony, an institution that fosters transatlantic relations in East Germany. After learning about the Institute’s work, the group was introduced to the specificty of East German in the green transition and reasons for the rise of right-wing populism in large parts of East Germany. East Germany underwent an astounding transformation after the German reunification with disappearance of manufacturing jobs and perspectives for skilled workers which ultimately caused a declining and aging population.

In a conversation with Sebastian Striegel, Member of Parliament in Saxony-Anhalt for Alliance 90/ The Greens, the group learned about concrete examples of what the German government’s decision to phase out lignite coal production by 2038 means for the region around Schkopau. Striegel also spoke about how former chemical production sites in Leuna are being replaced with green technology and yet, the local population feels left out of the decision making process in the green transition of the region. Although the region grapples with a “change fatigue” as a result of the reunification years, the government is actively trying to encourage citizen participation.

In a last meeting of the day, our delegation met with Thomas Kralinksi, State Secretary in the Saxon Ministry of Economy, Labour and Transport and Sounding Board member of the Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands Project. During the conversation, Kralinski spoke about the government’s strategy to attract chips production through the “Silicon Saxony” initiative, thus fosterting the creation of green jobs, and the “Future Sax” platform which aims to connect universities with small and medium sized enterprises around the state. Regarding the rise of right-wing populism in the state, Kralinksi reiterated the fear of change in East Germans rooted in the reunification experience and currently driven by the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, inflation, migration and the war in Ukraine.

The final day of the study tour began with a visit to the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action in Berlin. During a meeting with Philipp Steinberg, Director-General for Economic Stabilization and Energy Security, the delegation heard about how the government allocates funding to support the economic transition away from coal production and towards carbon neutrality by 2045.

In an second meeting at the Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs, the group engaged in discussion with Ana Dujic, Head of the Think Tank “Digital Labour Society” about the challenges and opportunities of the digitalization of the labout market through AI. The most pressing issues discussed were AI regulation for the labor market, an aging workforce as well as the skills shortage in Germany.

In the afternoon, the delegation attended the official launch of the Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands Project at Das Progressive Zentrum’s Innocracy Conference. They discussed the Project Fellows’ impulse papers and gave feedback and advice on what topics to focus on throughout the course of the fellowship. The day ended with an informal meeting with representatives of the AtlantikbrÞcke, rounding up a week of week of transatlantic peer learning on industrial heartland regions.

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Transatlantic Conference to Address the “Geographies of Discontent”

Authors: Florian Ranft, Axel Ruppert, Sandra Rath

There is a growing convergence of interest and effort on both sides of the Atlantic to bridge geographic economic divides and reconnect residents of industrial heartland communities to economic opportunity. Where these communities continue to decline, residents feel disconnected and alienated from a rapidly changing global economy and polity, while polarizing, resentment-driven and populist political movements that undermine our democracies can grow from within. Where economic regeneration has been done successfully, it serves to return community pride and optimism about the future and reduces political discontent. 

In order to share transatlantic experience and promote effective strategies for investment in people living in industrial heartlands, the Conference on Transatlantic Work to Address “Geographies of Discontent” brings together leaders and economic change practitioners from across Europe, the UK and the US.

After a keynote address by Cathryn ClÞver Ashbrook, Senior Advisor and Vice-President, Bertelsmann Foundation and Sounding Board Member of the Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands Project, we will engage in discussions with:

  • Peter Berkowitz, Director, European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy
  • Dr. Raphael L’Hoest, German Deputy Director General, Structural and Regional Policy, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • Missy Hughes, Secretary & CEO of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
  • Bill Peduto, Former Mayor of Pittsburgh, now heading Carnegie Mellon Institute
  • Katie Rosenberg, Mayor of Wausau, Wisconsin.

Please note that there is a limited capacity for in-person attendance. We look forward to welcoming you at the convening and discussing the future of industrial heartlands with you.

This conference is organized within the context of a delegation trip of local decisionmakers from the United States to Germany and Europe. The trip’s goal is to engage in a transatlantic exchange on the challenges facing the industrial heartlands in Europe and the United States as well as best practices to tackle them. The delegation trip is organized within the Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands Project.

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Innocracy 2023 -4291-Moritz Richter

Democracy at a Crossroads in the Industrial Heartlands – Workshop at Innocracy 2023

What are solutions for a better, greener and more democratic life in the “places that don’t matter”?

For a generation, people living in the traditional industrial heartlands all over the world have been buffeted by a technological and services revolution, the decline of manufacturing, and the rise of a borderless global digital economy. The result is deepening inequality, ongoing political support for right-wing populists and a hollowing out of the middle class. From the rise of Trumpism to the successes of the AfD, industrial heartlands lie at the crossroads to the future of our democracies. This is why we we’ve hosted an interactive workshop to discuss best practices, political strategies and policy solutions to foster democratic participation, trust and tangible future perspectives for those living in the places that matter. 

The workshop entailed an inspiring exchange with our 12 project fellows of the “Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands” project as well as a delegation of seven decision-makers from the US Midwest. Join us for fresh, transatlantic takes on how to tackle the challenges of a just transformation while rebuilding trust in democracy. 

To combat this decline, Das Progressive Zentrum and its partner organizations from the United States have launched the three-year project “Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands” with the goal of creating new opportunities in old industrial heartlands of both countries by forging a transatlantic dialogue, exchanging best practices, and developing political strategies  and policy solutions for a better, greener, and more democratic future in the “places that don’t matter.” As part of this project, 12 project fellows from the U.S. and Germany are working on the two thematic blocks “Perspectives for the Future, Respect and Participation” and “Climate, Work and Innovation” to demonstrate through their input how the living standards and opportunities for people in the industrial heartlands can be increased while working towards rebuilding trust in democracy in both countries.

As part of the workshop “Democracy at the crossroads in the industrial heartlands – transatlantic perspectives for the future of the places that matter”, we introduced the Industrial Heartlands project and the 12 project fellows presented their impulse papers as a starting point for their project work. Afterwards, participants exchanged ideas with you in four groups and discuss the topics of “Participation and Democracy”, the “Industrial Transformation”, “Bidenomics and the Green Deal – Local Implementation” and “Countering the Far Right”.

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